Fiber Checker
Check Fiber availability at your address

Your Entered Address:
Flat 73, Bldg. 864, Road 5118, Block 351
Are you connected to our Fiber?
Enter your address to check if Fiber is available in your area!
While BNET makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the Fiber Checker feature on its website, this service is offered on a best effort basis as the expansion of BNET’s Fiber network means that this information is constantly being updated. To ensure that you obtain the best service, we urge you to call the service provider of your choice to place your Fiber order. In partnership with the service provider of your choice, we will ensure that Fiber is made available to you in the shortest time possible.
OMG, You have Fiber!
Wondering the percentage of Fiber available in Block 351?
Check BNET’s Fiber Coverage Map
Not covered, yet
Get connected through your Operator of Choice!
Wondering about the percentage of Fiber coverage in Block 351?
Check BNET’s Fiber Coverage Map